Tooth Extractions – Philadelphia, PA
Getting Rid of Your Problem Teeth
Rest assured, our practice will always try to save your teeth when possible. Keeping them intact is much better for your smile than letting you lose any. That said, there are cases when teeth can’t be salvaged despite our best efforts. Our dentists will suggest tooth extractions at our Philadelphia office in those instances. That way, we can preserve your oral health and keep it from suffering major issues. Please read on to learn more or book a visit for details.
Why Choose Dentex Dental of Philadelphia for Tooth Extractions?
- Calming Sedation for Anxious Patients
- Friendly, Caring Dentists and Team
- Multiple Options for Replacement
Reasons Why Tooth
Extractions are Necessary

To be clear, our team never recommends tooth extractions lightly. These removal procedures are done as a last resort when there’s no other choice. If a tooth can be saved, we’d much rather give you a root canal or dental crown instead. You’d then get to keep a part of your mouth that’s ideal for biting, chewing, and smiling.
Due to these facts, tooth extraction is only necessary in dire cases. We’ll only suggest one if you suffer from conditions like:
- A rapidly-spreading tooth infection
- Broken teeth that can’t be put back together
- An impacted wisdom tooth
- A tooth with an inoperable cavity
- Loss of the bone needed to support a tooth
The Process of
Removing a Tooth

Our dentists will assess how (and whether) to extract your tooth at your consultation. In particular, they’ll check whether you need a simple or complex removal.
We’ll perform a simple extraction If the affected tooth is visible. For this option, we’ll only remove your chomper after numbing it with an anesthetic. Our dentists will use forceps to rock your tooth back and forth until it separates from your gums.
You'll require a complex extraction if your tooth hasn’t fully erupted. After numbing the treatment site, this process will make an incision in your gums. Next, our team will divide and remove your tooth in sections to reduce bone loss. We’ll then wrap up your care by sewing the incision closed.
After an extraction treatment, our dentists typically plan how to replace your missing tooth. This setup ensures you won’t suffer from long-term tooth loss.
Extraction Aftercare

While it should go smoothly, your tooth extraction will involve a recovery period. The treatment site will feel sore as it heals from the removal. Luckily, our team has post-op instructions that can help your body recover. They include:
- Twenty-four hours after the extraction, clean the treatment site with a saltwater rinse.
- Don’t drink from a straw, as its suction can dislodge your blood clot.
- To avoid delays in the healing process, don’t smoke or spit for a few days.
- Manage post-extraction soreness with store-bought pain relievers.
- So long as it’s still healing, don’t chew near the extraction site.
If you stick to the tips above, you’ll heal nicely from your extraction. You can then consider some possible tooth replacements. After all, a good prosthetic tooth would restore your smile, strengthen your bite, and more!