Dentex Dental Group Blog

The Process Of Placing a Dental Crown

August 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 8:38 am
Patient talking to their dentist

Dental crowns have been used for a very long time to help protect teeth that are damaged or decayed, and the ones used in modern dentistry are more sophisticated than they’ve ever been. They’re made of tooth-colored ceramic that blends in perfectly with the smile, allowing you to fix your teeth without compromising your appearance.

To place these dental crowns, your dentist is going to need to remove a little bit of healthy enamel in order to make room. Here’s what you should know about the process of preparing the teeth for the dental crowns.


Do’s and Don’ts of Recovering from Dental Implant Surgery

July 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 1:42 am

Dos and don'ts in conversation bubblesIf you’re ready to replace your missing teeth with dental implants, you’ll require oral surgery. A titanium post must be surgically placed into your jawbone to serve as a new root. It will provide a stable foundation for your restoration, which is attached using an abutment. You can expect a brief recovery after your procedure. Proper healing is essential for ensuring the success of your new smile. Here are the top do’s and don’ts to follow after your implant placement surgery.


Gum Bumps: Are They Harmless or a Sign of Something Worse?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 6:17 pm
Woman with questioning expression.

You might be surprised by finding a bump on your gums. While this can be alarming, it is usually harmless. However, it can be a sign of something serious in some cases. Here are a few of the possible reasons for a bump forming on your gums and how to know whether it’s nothing to worry about or worth a trip to the dentist’s office.


How Long Do I Have to Wait to Get Dentures After Having Teeth Pulled?

June 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 8:11 pm
a patient visiting her dentist to receive dentures

Dentures are one of the most accessible and practical tooth replacement solutions around. These awesome prosthetics have aided countless patients with rebuilding their smiles, granting them access to restored oral functionality and heightened self-esteem. But can patients undergoing tooth extraction immediately receive their dentures after the procedure, or must they wait for some time for their mouth to heal? Keep reading to learn a little more about dentures and how long you can expect to wait if you’re planning to get them after having teeth extracted.


Your Guide to Navigating Your First Month with Dentures

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 4:51 pm
a patient visiting their dentist to receive dentures

Dentures are among the most popular and tried-and-true of all tooth replacement solutions, and they’ve assisted countless generations of patients with rebuilding their smiles. And if you’ve just received dentures of your own, you’re probably feeling pretty thrilled to have a functional and beautiful smile once again! However, the first month of wearing dentures can be an uphill battle for many patients, and you might be feeling a little helpless when it comes to fully adjusting to the prosthetic teeth. Here are three tips to keep in mind as you navigate this phase!


Keep Your Dentures in Top Condition by Avoiding These Bad Habits

April 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 7:37 am
a dentist showing her patient how to care for his dentures

Dentures have been used for hundreds of years to complete smiles from missing teeth. However, modern times have improved their fit and functionality thanks to better materials and innovative technology. They are now more comfortable, reliable, and natural looking than ever!  However, just like your natural teeth, they need to be cared for to keep them in top condition. Read on to learn about five harmful denture habits to avoid so your smile can stay whole and happy for years to come.


Why You Shouldn’t Wear Dentures 24 Hours a Day

March 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 2:16 pm
Senior man in a light blue shirt

Thanks to the materials they’re made of and the way they’re personalized for each patient, modern dentures are more comfortable than ever. You might even feel like you can keep them in your mouth 24/7. That does not mean, however, that you should actually do so. Your dentist strongly advises that you only wear your dentures for a certain number of hours each day; here’s why.


Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost?

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 10:37 pm
dental implant and money illustration

When it comes to tooth replacement options, dental implants run laps around the competition. If cost is factored in, it at least makes the patient think a bit more if they are on a budget of sorts. Dental implants have many positive attributes, but they are a significant investment. You wonder if they’re worth the cost. Read on as your dentist in Philadelphia discusses their benefits to help you make an informed decision.


What to Do if you Lose a Veneer

January 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 6:58 pm
3-D Diagram of a veneer coming off of a tooth

Veneers can give you what feels like a perfect smile. Every day when you look in the mirror, you see a set of glistening, perfectly aligned, perfectly uniform teeth gleaming back at you.

However, veneers do have a flaw—if you aren’t careful, they can break or fall off. If that happens to you, you might not know what to do. Here’s a guide to the actions you should take if you lose a veneer.


Why Do I Have a Bad Taste in My Mouth?

December 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 12:57 am
man with bad taste in mouth

At some point, everyone makes that expression. You know, the one where you clearly have a bad taste in your mouth. It’s a normal reaction that usually happens after consuming something pungent or sour. However, some people may notice the taste lasting a long time. Others might even have it happen unexpectedly! In either case, it can be concerning, especially if it doesn’t go away after brushing and rinsing. Since it could be a sign of an underlying issue, you should see your dentist in Philadelphia for treatment. Read on to learn the possible causes of a bad taste in your mouth and how you can alleviate it until your dental appointment.

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