At the very center of each and every pearly white is a squishy, tender nerve cluster called pulp. Protecting it from exposure and bacteria is a hard layer called dentin. And protecting that is your natural enamel; the glossy part of your tooth that comes into contact with food, your toothbrush, and so on. Enamel takes the brunt of everyday wear and tear so that your dental nerves don’t pick up on uncomfortable sensations – talk about a team player!
This means that when enamel thins, though, you could experience dental sensitivity and more frequent infections. That doesn’t exactly sound pleasant, so what’s all this about removing enamel for a porcelain veneer treatment? Keep reading to get the details.
What Are Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain veneers are thin, shell-like facades that are custom-made to seamlessly blend in with your natural teeth. Unlike a dental crown, they only cover the front-facing portion of your tooth. This might sound less comprehensive, but it allows them to conceal multiple dental flaws at once with minimal effort, making them ideal for concealing minor dental damage.
Why is Enamel Removed for Porcelain Veneers?
Needless to say, enamel is an important part of your teeth’s ecosystem. Dentists normally want to keep it intact. However, if they left your enamel alone and placed your porcelain veneers overtop of it, the veneers would stick out, making your treated teeth appear unnaturally thick. Basically, it’s not cosmetically preferable.
How Much is Removed, and Can I Live with That?
To make room for porcelain veneers, your dentist only has to remove about .5 millimeters of enamel – that’s roughly as thin as a contact lens! While it’s true that losing even this much enamel will make your teeth weaker, your veneers will effectively replace this layer.
Porcelain is well-known for being a durable material, so it’s actually well-suited for protecting your teeth from bacteria and discomfort. In fact, patients who begin their treatments with soft enamel will likely benefit from this cosmetic reinforcement!
Still Nervous? Consider Lumineers
If you still really don’t like the idea of having your natural dental shields shaved down, that’s perfectly understandable. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose between beautifying your smile and maintaining your peace of mind!
Lumineers work just like veneers in that they’re thin shells meant to cover multiple dental flaws. They’re so thin, actually, that you don’t have to remove enamel for them to be aesthetically pleasing. Your dentist will simply adhere them overtop of your enamel and – bam! You’ll have flawless teeth.
Now, that makes it sound easy, but when you compare porcelain veneers and Lumineers, each has its pros and cons. It’s important to discuss the differences with your dentist to determine which one is best for you. Either way, your smile will look stunning after your treatment, so don’t be afraid to voice any questions or concerns during your consultation!
About the Practice
At Dentex Dental of Philadelphia, we have several warm and friendly dentists on staff, each with their own unique experiences and expertise. They’re great at putting their heads together and ensuring that patients receive the best care possible. If you’re looking to cosmetically enhance your smile with a set of porcelain veneers or Lumineers, we’d be happy to help you schedule a consultation! To contact our office, call 215-677-3904.